Pleasantview 5-star review

How amazing it is for my first read in 2023 to be a 5-star read and for the print on one of my shirts to coincidentally match the cover of this book?!😍. I know my ancestors want my 2023 reads to bang better than my 2022 reads and I’m here for all the thrills🥰.

The coconut trees, Rum, flamboyant cultural events, and jewelry are what most tourists think Caribbean countries are all about but the news and books like this beg to differ.
Pleasantview is a collection of interwoven short stories.

A-novel-in-stories per se (these are slowly becoming my favorite type of books) that’s set in a fictional town in Trinidad and Tobago. It tells the stories of locals in Trinidad and Tobago and how difficult life is for most of them.
After reading The Bread The Devil Knead and When We Were Birds, I have come to love and deeply appreciate Trinidadian creole. It made this book more authentic and a bit humorous (what’s not to love about an author that tries to diffuse heavy themes !😍) or do I just love dark humor? It’s a bit complicated 😂.

The way Celeste writes the characters in Pleasantview with so much depth and nuance is really something!

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