Abdulbasit Kassim
Abdulbasit Kassim is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Religion, Rice University with a primary field in Islam and a secondary field in Africana Studies. His research focuses on the Intellectual History of Islam in Africa, Islamic Political Thought, African and African Diaspora Religions, Islam and Race in America, Africology and Postcolonial Studies, Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Societies, and Religion in International Relations.
He is the co-editor of ‘The Boko Haram Reader: From Nigerian Preachers to the Islamic State’ published in 2018 by Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press. Abdulbasit is currently conducting archival and ethnographic field research on the Arabic writings on Jihad and Islamic Reform in Central Sudanic Africa from the late 18th century to early 21st century, Religious Soft Power and Glocal Shi`ism in West Africa, Subaltern Sexualities in Muslim Societies in West Africa and the Black American Pilgrimage to West Africa.